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Our Grout Cleaning Experts Had the Perfect Solution To Restore This Tile Shower in Wilmington

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January 24, 2024

Most homeowners are used to the pains of dealing with a dirty shower, but sometimes their best efforts can only go so far. A Wilmington resident was having these problems with her 30-year-old shower. The well water supply in her home was up until 11 years ago, bringing more issues. She could see heavy deep yellow stains on her white porcelain tiles, and the most concerning thing was that her cleaning routines didn't work.

Tile Shower Before and After a Grout Cleaning in Wilmington
The homeowner needed a solution as she couldn't stand having her shower in such conditions. When no one in her circle could point her to a reliable restoration company in the area, she tried her luck online. That's how she discovered the wonders of our grout cleaning services in Wilmington, North Carolina.

She visited our website and was happy to see all the information that was available to her. She then read a few of our blog posts and viewed before and after pictures, which instilled the confidence to fill out our online scheduler to request a free evaluation on a day and time that was most convenient for her.

As always, our specialists arrived on time, in uniform, and in our Sir Grout vehicle on the appointed date. They observed the shower and tested some of their products on the soiled tiles. This helped them confirm that the stains were no match for Sir Grout's cleaning equipment. Our techs also checked the grout, memorizing the areas that had started cracking. The grout lines on the floor had absorbed too much water and the pores were covered with mold and efflorescence.

In short, water and soap had left their mark on the shower, muting the color of the ceramic and trapping the dirt on top of the grout. Unfortunately, bleach and traditional cleaners didn't make things any better because they have no effect on embedded dirt and can even add to the problem when the surface is constantly exposed to them.

Our techs explained all this to the client before putting their services at her disposal. They summarized their restoration process and she was very optimistic about getting her shower back to its former glory. So, she scheduled a new appointment and we agreed to visit her again after a couple of days.

The restoration began on the scheduled day and time. After preparing the area with clear plastic and masking tape to ensure it was protected while they worked, our techs set up the equipment and began the multi-step process. They started by soaking all shower surfaces with a powerful cleaning formula. On its own, this cleaner was effective against all the stains, including the thick layers of mold that ran all over the horizontal seams. Our specialists carefully removed all the residue and steam-cleaned the shower floor.

The next step was restoring the grout on the walls and floor. To do this, our crew applied ColorSeal to all the grout lines, ensuring that they matched the color of the tiles. Our acrylic-based sealant repels mold, mildew, soap, and cosmetic residue. It even works against water to ensure that nothing ruins the grout's spotless look. When they were done with this part, our techs installed epoxy grout on the corner joints. This brought the most durable protection to the most vulnerable parts of the shower area.

The restoration was complete and the result looked wonderful. Nothing got in the way of the porcelain tiles' pristine white color and the grout matched it flawlessly. While cleaning up, our crew invited the homeowner to view the outcome of the job. She was amazed and promised to recommend our services to all her friends and relatives with any hard surface-related issues like hers.

Our crew shared some additional recommendations with the client before leaving her home. To get better results out of her shower cleaning sessions, they recommended using pH-neutral cleaners like Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner. Nothing beats the effectiveness you get with our cleaner; it simplifies the removal of common shower stains with little effort, so there's no need to subject the surface to harsh treatment or toxic chemicals. This also entails a safer environment for homeowners because they aren't exposed to the fumes that generic cleaners often release into the air. Weekly cleaning with neutral products usually does the trick, keeping any stickiness off the walls and preventing embedded dirt on the grout.

For better results, we recommend scrubbing the stains with non-abrasive tools, namely a clean towel or a squeegee. Otherwise, you risk scratch marks on the porcelain on top of subpar cleaning results. Our techs listed all these tips for the client, ending the appointment with a general reminder to keep an eye on the ventilation system. In many cases, the home's layout doesn't allow enough circulation of fresh air to bathrooms, bedrooms, basements, and other enclosed areas. This makes hard surfaces more vulnerable to damage so homeowners need to be extra vigilant if they want to spot any signs of mold and mildew.

The specialists at Sir Grout Crystal Coast understand that keeping a clean shower isn't always easy. That's why we bring the most thorough method to help you fight the worst effects of moisture buildup. Our hard surface restoration service will transform your bathroom surfaces and make shower cleaning much more rewarding in the long run. Just call (910) 427-0071 or schedule a free quote online to set an appointment with our crew. And be sure to subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss our latest promotions and updates.
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