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Our Grout Sealing Experts Achieved Impressive Results on a Counter in Wilmington

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December 07, 2023

Homemade solutions can help you along through many household chores, but they're not enough to preserve the durability of your hard surfaces. A couple in Wilmington, NC, had been bouncing between different cleaning products as the grout in their kitchen counter lost its color to specs of dirt and grime. When nothing else seemed to work, they tried to conceal the stains with latex paint but the effect never lasted long enough to make any difference.

Tile Counter Before and After a Grout Sealing in Wilmington
The stains multiplied on the grout surface and the couple felt like they were running out of time before the problem ruined their kitchen area for good. After all, the tile countertop spread along two sides of the kitchen, so it served as the perfect spot where the couple put away their groceries and did most of their cooking. They needed a lasting solution that could withstand all these chores without causing more discoloration, so they agreed to leave the problem in the hands of our Wilmington Grout Sealing crew.

Just a few days after the homeowners contacted Sir Grout Crystal Coast, our specialists went to their house to conduct an evaluation on the countertop. They checked all the grout lines, including the grout along the horizontal seams and the wall that connected the counter to the cabinets. Meanwhile, the couple went over their cleaning attempts in the time leading up to the appointment. As our techs explained, latex paint is too flimsy against stains and wear and tear, which is why it faded from the grout lines after only a couple of days. Chemical cleaners don't really help in these cases, because they can gradually open the pores of cement-based grout, making way for liquids and dirt to get stuck on the surface. Their harsh formulas are also known for causing discoloration, which explained the tiles' muted color.

Close-up of Tile Surface Before and After a Grout Sealing in Wilmington
Our specialists verified that there were no cracks on the surface before offering their cleaning and restoration services. They needed to seal the grout lines with acrylic-based sealant to prevent the appearance of new stains, and this would also protect the counter's structural integrity. The couple was relieved after hearing our assessment and scheduled a new appointment at the end of our crew's visit.

Following their request, our techs returned to their house that same week to work on the countertop. To start the process, they used a surface-safe formula to clean the entire tile surface, removing the stains as the dirt grew loose around the grout. Our product never fails when it comes to providing maximum cleaning power. It's effective against common kitchen stains and even the faint marks that subpar cleaning formulas can't fully remove. In little time, the counter was ready for the next part of the restoration.

Our experts applied the most durable sealant on all the grout lines, enhancing their resistance to damage and outside elements. Sir Grout's flagship ColorSeal repels liquids and dirt without letting anything through its protective barrier. As a result, grout surfaces can stay clean through high traffic, spills, and regular chores. Because our sealant is available in multiple colors to fit any setting, it wasn't hard for our techs to recolor the grout so it fit the tile's pristine white color.

By the end of the restoration, the counter's striking new looks managed to make the kitchen look brighter and more inviting. The couple was in awe when they saw it, and they praised our work while admiring the countertop from up close. They also promised to recommend our services to all their friends and family in Wilmington, NC.

The restoration was a success, so nothing was missing when our specialists started putting away their equipment. They only took a few extra minutes to share some additional cleaning tips with the couple. First, they recommended using pH-neutral products like Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner to clean all kitchen surfaces without risking discoloration later on. While most store-bought products fail at removing the most stubborn stains, our formula can easily work through grime, grease, mold, mildew, product residue, and more. The lack of chemical ingredients also ensures that no toxic fumes are released into your home each time you do routine maintenance.

Tile surfaces are sturdy, but they can still get permanent scratch marks when you use a sharp tool to wipe out the dirt. For this reason, our techs also recommended to scrub off any stickiness with a towel or a terry cloth. This approach also allows more precision to remove stains from the seams and other narrow areas. Lastly, our techs told the couple that optimal indoor ventilation does a great deal to prevent the effect of moisture buildup on kitchen and bathroom surfaces. Opening the windows and doors a few hours a day is also an easy way to help on this end.

Are you tired of cleaning the same spot multiple times a week? Sir Grout Crystal Coast provides the most effective method to improve hard surface maintenance. Our experts know how to restore tile and grout surfaces after months and even years of damage, so don't lose hope before reaching out to us. You can call (910) 427-0071 for more information or schedule a free quote online to request an in-home evaluation with our crew. Also, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss out on our latest promotions and updates. Whatever the problem, we're ready to surprise you with the best solution!
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