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Our Tile and Grout Cleaners Transformed a Bathroom Floor in Wilmington, NC

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October 12, 2023

A soiled floor can be an annoying sight for any homeowner. In some cases, it's possible to hide large stains from the tiles, but there's just no way to make them shine when grime has already seeped into their pores. Removing or even concealing the embedded dirt on a floor's grout is even more of a challenge. That's what a homeowner in Wilmington was dealing with when she contacted our specialists over her bathroom floor.

Bathroom Floor Expertly Restored By Our Tile and Grout Cleaners in Wilmington, NC
She first found Sir Grout Crystal Coast just as she was losing the rest of her patience after another unsuccessful round of scrubbing. By that point, the grout had been collecting dirt for weeks and the floor made the bathroom look messy and unhygienic. The homeowner couldn't have come across our content at a better time. Soon after making her way to our website, she knew that she wanted insight from our tile and grout cleaners in Wilmington. From there, it took her only a few minutes to schedule an appointment with our crew.

On the scheduled date, our techs visited her home in Wilmington, and she led them to the master bathroom so they could inspect the floor. They saw the dirty grout right away and, upon a closer look, they noted a large amount of dirt that was stuck on different parts of the tiles' porous surface. Water and foot traffic had left marks on parts of the floor and most of the grout had the same dull brown color, looking out of place against the bathroom's white and beige layout. Our techs completed their evaluation and described the problem to the client. They told her that many off-the-counter cleaners do more harm than good because they keep the dirt on the grout without doing much to preserve hard surfaces in the long term. Meanwhile, all the foot traffic gradually weakened the grout's sealant until nothing stood between its surface and all the dirt that got carried inside.

The good news is that Sir Grout Crystal Coast has ample experience dealing with these cases, so our techs quickly reassured the client that they could work through all the issues in a single restoration session. She was pleased by this assessment and gladly asked for a new appointment. A few days later, our techs were back at her house with all the necessary equipment in tow.

They began the process with a deep cleaning service. Using a pH-neutral cleaner and a high-speed scrubber, our techs removed the mold, soil, and grime that came loose around the tiles. Our cleaner has a quick effect on ceramic and grout surfaces, helping remove large stains in record time. It represents a sure way to simplify routine cleaning without subjecting hard surfaces to harsh ingredients every week.

For the next step, our techs applied ColorSeal to all the grout lines. This acrylic-based sealant works like a charm on high-traffic surfaces because it keeps all sorts of external elements from leaving stains behind. It wards off grime, soap scum, mold, mildew, and different liquids to reduce the amount of scrubbing required to upkeep a spotless grout at all times. As requested by the homeowners, our techs applied a white sealant to match the bathroom's color scheme, and the result helped the floor regain much of its lost charm.

Near the end of the process, our techs buffed the floor once again, using tile sealant to increase its protection against wear and tear. When they called the client back into the bathroom, the tiles looked beautiful, and the white grout lines complemented them perfectly. The client was delighted, and she couldn't wait to tell everyone she knew about her floor's transformation.
Our techs were ready to leave, but they shared some additional tips before ending the appointment. They recommended using pH-neutral cleaners to optimize surface maintenance while saving time and resources. Products like Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner surpass generic formulas, both in terms of cleaning power and long-term advantages. Our product combines high-quality ingredients to leave hard surfaces looking as good as new, no matter the amount of dirt they collect over time. Its non-toxic formula also makes it safe for people and pets and complements the sealant's protection on the grout.

When it comes to cleaning tools, our techs confirmed that mops, towels, and terry cloths are the best options, as long as they're clean when used on the floors. It's important to clean spills and drops as soon as they land on the floor, or they could help spread mold and mildew on hard-to-reach surfaces. Proper indoor ventilation is also helpful on this end, so our techs suggested to keep an eye on the home's ventilation system while opening the windows whenever there's a need for fresh air. The client thanked our crew for their advice and promised to recommend our services to everyone she knew in Wilmington.

Sir Grout Crystal Coast offers the best care for your floors and bathroom surfaces. We specialize in hard surface restoration and maintenance, with methods that withstand all kinds of external factors, like time, moisture buildup, and decay. Contact our specialists and discover the most effective way to keep a gorgeous floor in all parts of your home. You can schedule a free quote or call (910) 427-0071 to get more information from our hard surface specialists. And be sure to subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss out on our latest promotions and updates.
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